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MatureTube Review

Are you looking for a website you can literally get lost in? Enter MatureTube; one of the top porn curation sites on the internet. Don’t be misled by its name—there’s something for everyone here, beyond mature categories. 

In fact, MatureTube does a great job of curating just about any porno under the sun. This website has so many videos and tons of categories, it would take a lifetime to finish going through their content.


Everything is straight to the point. You scroll past the popular categories and then after that, there’s an alphabetized list of the free porn categories offered.

The toolbar on the top of the page offers to filter your videos according to what’s popular, what’s new, and what’s top-rated. Further on, you get it showcases its sister sites— though with all the content you can look through on this site, why you would want to look elsewhere is beyond me.

To the top right section of the home page, there’s the search bar, the filter for straight, gay, or trans content, and a setting for languages. It’s nice to have the essentials of every website lined up neatly in one corner.

One feature I super appreciated on this website was the lack of advertisements. It’s a no-nonsense site; MatureTube only shows you the content you need. 

Once you enter a certain category, the website offers multiple sorting and filter options. This feature is always appreciated; I feel that to make the site better, it could be made available from the moment one enters the website, on the home page.


MatureTube is a black hole of porn videos from all over the internet just waiting for you to get lost in it. It’s been curating videos since 2007 and hasn’t stopped ever since. To date, their collection has more than 51 million videos and hundreds of categories. 

If you want to look at something new, then you can access its list of sister sites as well. MatureTube is part of a large community of sister sites and some of these webpages specialize in different kinds of content for different kinds of audiences and experiences. There’s VRPorzo for a completely immersive experience in watching porn, GayMaleTube for gay-dominated content, and TransgirlTube for transexuals. 

It’s great to have so much to look through and a multitude of sites dedicated to a specific audience. However, one small issue I had with all these websites was that they do not have any original content of their own; all videos link out of the site and into other webpages. This poses a security concern for me because even if the site is great for curation, there is always a small fear that they skipped out on security checks.

Furthermore, too much of anything can become a bad thing—and in this case, MatureTube’s horde of porn videos can get a little overwhelming. Given that there are no playlists, save features, or model indexes for these videos, you may find it difficult to go back to a video you like or to follow the models who performed in that video.

Its name can be a little misleading because it sounds like it’s a website that devotes itself to old people pornography. But on the contrary, it’s got a massive collection of other categories too—from the usual vanilla topics to more eccentric niche selections. You can go from Gangbangs and Hot MILFs to felching and dungeon in just a few clicks. This can easily be your gateway to other niches in the porn industry, if you’re looking to become a connoisseur in pornography, then this is a great place to start. 


MatureTube is part of a community of different porn sites. If you get bored, you can browse through the following sister webpages:

  • TubeGalore
  • FUQ
  • iXXX
  • ForHerTube
  • GayMaleTube
  • TransgirlTube
  • TubePornStars
  • TubeMales
  • TubeShemales
  • VRPorzo
  • HDPorzo

However, in terms of community-building within the site, MatureTube doesn’t have a lot to offer. It does not have options for community boards, comment sections, or even signing up for an account. The website only has an anonymous like or dislike feature, which functions as the rating system required for videos to land a spot in the Top Rated section. 

Final Verdict

Overall, surfing through MatureTube is always tons of fun. There is always something new to look at on this site. However, I feel that the website could become a lot better in terms of community-building, interface, and content. If MatureTube wants to become better known, it should prioritize making videos more searchable, creating original content, and providing options to join its community. 


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