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Fame Registry Review

Complete reviIs Fame Registry the Most Non-Biased Female Porn Star Ranking Site? A Reviewew will follow shortly.

When it comes to the ranking of famous porn stars, you will find so many popular sites where you will find out which porn stars are the best. Now, you may have a different opinion about their choices. It is because the ranking they show is based on the opinions of a group of people and not the entire community of porn lovers.

That is why you will hear people complaining about how biased these porn star rankings have been. Every person will have a different opinion on who is his favourite porn star. This is the reason why so many people think that porn star rankings on most sites are biased and they might also get paid by the porn star herself to promote her profile.

The porn industry lacked a ranking system based on facts and not the opinions of people. You can create polls but the porn stars that have a large follower base will come on top in that. There is no doubt that the porn industry is getting bigger and better each year. So, the need for a porn star ranking system based on facts was imminent.

That is why Fame Registry has created a porn star ranking system based on facts and not on emotions or opinions. Their ranking system of female porn stars is not biased as they are using facts to track down the popularity of famous porn stars. So, can you rely on the rankings of Fame Registry when it comes to determining the best female porn stars in the industry? Let’s see.

How Does Fame Registry Rank Each Porn Star?

Fame Registry is using facts to rank each porn star. Now, what facts you can study because there are thousands of porn stars available? You need to understand that if a girl made a few porn videos will not be regarded as a porn star. She needs to shoot a good number of porn videos and also have a professional website. Apart from that, the awards she has won and also, the number of searches made on the name of the porn star including her social media following will play a big role in determining her rank.

Ranking Based on Categories

As you already know that the ranking system of the Fame Registry is devoid of any emotion or opinion. Now, you can also find rankings of porn stars similarly based on facts in various categories. This site will truly give an insight into the competency and popularity of the porn star.

The Review in a Nutshell


  • Fact-based rankings
  • A fantastic homepage
  • Amazing porn stars ranking categories


  • Nothing

The Final Verdict

Finally, Fame Registry is an amazing site. Look, if you are struggling to find out which porn stars are truly the best in the industry or have the most following, then you should visit Fame Registry. This site is terrific because of its non-biased and fact-based ranking system of porn stars.

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